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Workflow Advanced Setting


Workflow skeleton

Input data
Fasta format
Multiple Alignment
Alignment Curation
Tree Inference
Tree Rendering
Newick Display

Configure your workflow

Input data

Choose a file or Paste content
(Fasta format with more than 3 sequences)
Blast runs Files in session

Run mafft with pre-defined input parameters. Specification of these parameters can be found in the help section.

Distance method must be chosen regarding your data

Valid with 6mer distance

1000 for maximum quality

Offset value, which works like gap extension penalty, for group-to-group alignment. For E-INS-i, 0 is recommended to allow large gaps

1.53 default value

Generate reverse complement sequences, as necessary, and align them together with the remaining sequences

Usefull only for amino acids

sliding window size (must be odd; ranges from 1 to alignment length; if set to 1, then entropy-like values are not smoothed; default: 3)

(NNI) Nearest Neighbor Interchanges,(SPR) Subtree Pruning and Regrafting